We are happy to announce new version 6.3.0 with important improvements - support for libSQL database and native backup/restore toolkit for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
DbGate is now available on the Azure Marketplace, introducing the “DbGate Azure Edition” tailored specifically for Azure Cloud environments.
If you’re familiar with Azure services, installing the web version of DbGate can be done in just a few clicks. Once it’s up and running, you have full access to manage users, connections, and roles, including the ability to grant specific connection permissions to particular users.
To efficiently manage MySQL databases, a dependable GUI client is essential. In this article, we’ll compare five widely-used free MySQL database management tools: DbGate, MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin, DBeaver, and Beekeeper Studio. Although some of these tools have paid versions, we will focus on the features offered in their free editions.
I am happy to announce new release of DbGate - 6.2.0.
This release brings two important highlights:
- Long awaited Apache Cassandra support (for all editions)
- AI Assistant for query console (for Premium only)
Managing PostgreSQL databases efficiently requires a reliable GUI client. In this article, we’ll compare five popular free and open-source PostgreSQL database management tools: DbGate, pgAdmin, DBeaver, HeidiSQL, and Beekeeper Studio. Some of these tools offer also paid editions, but we compare only features, which are available for free and with source codes.
When it comes to managing databases through a web browser, having the right tool can significantly improve your productivity and make database operations much more efficient. In this article, we’ll compare five popular web-based database management tools that you can access directly from your browser: phpMyAdmin, DbGate, CloudBeaver, Adminer, and sqlite-web.
Today we accomplished important achievement - DbGate could be installed on Amazon web services.
Previously, to run the web version, you had to deploy Docker containers or install NPM packages on the server with DbGate, which required some configuration.
If you are familiar with Amazon web services, installing web version of DbGate is now task consisting of a few clicks. You have then available administration of users, connections and roles, and you could grant permissions for connections to some users.
I am glad to announce new DbGate release, 6.1. It comes relatively shortly after 6.0, but it brings some new key features, lot of fixes and improvements of concepts introduced in 6.0.
We are happy to announce new major release, 6.0. The new version brings significant usability changes and more intuitive workflows.
I am glad to announce new release of DbGate - 5.5.0. There is a huge set of improvements coming with this release, but the main hightlight is long-awaited support of ClickHouse database engine.
I’m excited to announce the new release of DbGate, version 5.4.0! After a long wait, we’re introducing support for a new database engine: Azure CosmosDB. CosmosDB is a cloud-based, document-oriented database from Microsoft, and its support is available exclusively in the Premium edition.
I am glad to announce a partnership between me (Jan Prochazka, DbGate developer) and Sprinx Systems company. We decided to create new product from DbGate, DbGate Premium , with commercial license and paid support. Also we are commited to support opensource world, so current DbGate will remain as free and opensource product (newly under GPL-3.0 license).
I am glad to announce new release of DbGate - 5.2.8. It contains lot of improvements from DbGate opensource community, great thanks for them.
I am glad to announce new release of DbGate - 5.2.3. It brings lot of smaller improvements, and one maybe a bit cryptic feature - data duplicator. Also, as good software should have only useful features, one big feature was completely removed - data sheet editor.
The New year 2023 brings also the new version of DbGate - 5.2.0, with huge improvements.
The newest version brings quite unique feature for MongoDB - query builder. Well, it works very differently from SQL query designer, but you can select data from more collections and join them together, as in normal SQL query builder.
This version brings small, but important improvements of SQL editor usability.
Although 5.1.1 is marked as minor version release, it brings very important change - perspectives (added in last version) have now a new designer. It look similar like query designer, but it has not query designer constraints - as the result is not single flat query, but hiearchical perspective view.
I am proud to announce new feature release with one big highlight - perspectives. Table perspectives feature is subset of visual query language defined by Eirik Bakke in his PhD work PhD work . It offers very comfortable and intuitive way to explore data in tables with complex relations. This feature works very well with foreign keys, but when you have database without foreign keys, you could define custom joins and define relations, which you need for the perspective.
I am happy to announce new major release of DbGate - 5.0.0. It is over a year, when last major release, 4.0 was released. Version 4.0 was complete rewrite from React to Svelte. Although bersion 5.0 brings one big change, is not such a big revolution, it finalises UX impovements between 4.0 and 5.0 versions.
I am proud to announce new database engine supported in DbGate - Redis. Althought Redis is not very similar to SQL databases and MongoDB formerly supported by DbGate, integration of Redis is very intuitive and it uses the same principles as integration of other databases.
The most visible improvement of this version is new look of DbGate window. Especially in dark mode on Windows now it looks much better. There is also posibility to use classic native menu, this option is available in settings dialog.
This version brings lot of important changes.
I am proud to announce, DbGate now supports creating ER diagrams.
The main highlight of this release is under the hood of electron app. But there are also significant UX improvements.
This release brings schema editor. You can edit table schema, define primary keys, foreign keys, indexes and unique constraints.
When alter operation is not directly supported by SQL engine (eg. drop constraint on SQLite), DbGate generates table recreate script.
The main highlight of this release in database schema compare tool. It can compare tables with keys, connstraints and indexes, and also views, stored procedures and functions. It works on all supported database engines (MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, CockroachDB, Redshift). Database compare tool is super fast, compare to other DB compare tools, as it uses already cached DB models.
This release brings lot of smaller improvements and important bug fixes.
Thanks to new integration tests, many problems, specific to one database, were discovered and fixed. Largest improvements are in PostgreSQL support, where also materialized views are now supported.
Main improvement of this version is adding of SQLite support.
You can open SQLite file with drag & drop, using Open menu command or with standard connection dialog.
SQLite driver supports or operations supported on other drivers.
Also now is officially supported Amazon Redshift and CockroachDB.
On thursday 23, DbGate was published on Hacker News . This action brought lot of great feedback. Today, 2021-04-26, was released version 4.1.10, with many fixed problems reported by HN community.
The most repeated feature request was supporting SQLite database, so this would be main feature of next release.
We are proud to announce new version 4.1.0 with first NoSQL DB supported, MongoDB. Though DbGate was primarily designed to work with fixed schema databases, the architecture was designed with document databases in the mind.
Recently I have rewritten a medium sized app in React (~250 React components) into Svelte. The result of this action is app, which is more efficient, with easier maintenance and much more readable code. But there were some problems, some situations, which are not streightforward to transform into Svelte code. This article describes some of these situations.
Version 4.0.0 is out. The biggest change is change of UI framework. We have got rid of React and replaced it with excellent Svelte framework. This change leads to faster UI, with smaller memory consumption. Also it allows to implement Command palette, which would bery very defficult with React.
DbGate is now available as NPM package . You can install it directly as NPM package. This is way, how to run WEB version of DbGate, when you have no Docker available.
Other useful NPM package is dbgate-api , which can be used for running scripts exported from DbGate, eg. exporting table data to CSV or Excel.
Version 3.9.5 is out. It contains many bug fixes and UI improvements. The biggest new feature is form view on table data.