
See the latest news about DbGate

Amazon - DbGate available on AWS

Today we accomplished important achievement - DbGate could be installed on Amazon web services.

Previously, to run the web version, you had to deploy Docker containers or install NPM packages on the server with DbGate, which required some configuration.

If you are familiar with Amazon web services, installing web version of DbGate is now task consisting of a few clicks. You have then available administration of users, connections and roles, and you could grant permissions for connections to some users.

Version 6.1.0 - fulltext search in model

I am glad to announce new DbGate release, 6.1. It comes relatively shortly after 6.0, but it brings some new key features, lot of fixes and improvements of concepts introduced in 6.0.

Major release 6.0.0

We are happy to announce new major release, 6.0. The new version brings significant usability changes and more intuitive workflows.

Version 5.5.0 - ClickHouse support, improved imports/exports, separate-schema mode for big databases

I am glad to announce new release of DbGate - 5.5.0. There is a huge set of improvements coming with this release, but the main hightlight is long-awaited support of ClickHouse database engine.

Version 5.4.0 - Administration UI, Azure CosmosDB support, MongoDB improvements

I’m excited to announce the new release of DbGate, version 5.4.0! After a long wait, we’re introducing support for a new database engine: Azure CosmosDB. CosmosDB is a cloud-based, document-oriented database from Microsoft, and its support is available exclusively in the Premium edition.