
See the latest news about DbGate

Announcement about Premium version

I am glad to announce a partnership between me (Jan Prochazka, DbGate developer) and Sprinx Systems company. We decided to create new product from DbGate, DbGate Premium, with commercial license and paid support. Also we are commited to support opensource world, so current DbGate will remain as free and opensource product (newly under GPL-3.0 license).

Version 5.2.8 - lot of improvements from community

I am glad to announce new release of DbGate - 5.2.8. It contains lot of improvements from DbGate opensource community, great thanks for them.

Version 5.2.3 - Data duplicator

I am glad to announce new release of DbGate - 5.2.3. It brings lot of smaller improvements, and one maybe a bit cryptic feature - data duplicator. Also, as good software should have only useful features, one big feature was completely removed - data sheet editor.

Version 5.2.0 - Oracle support

The New year 2023 brings also the new version of DbGate - 5.2.0, with huge improvements.

Version 5.1.5 - MongoDB query builder

The newest version brings quite unique feature for MongoDB - query builder. Well, it works very differently from SQL query designer, but you can select data from more collections and join them together, as in normal SQL query builder.