Recently I have rewritten a medium sized app in React (~250 React components) into Svelte. The result of this action is app, which is more efficient, with easier maintenance and much more readable code. But there were some problems, some situations, which are not streightforward to transform into Svelte code. This article describes some of these situations.
This is not tutorial of Svelte for React programmers, if you don’t know Svelte yet, the best starting point is official Svelte tutorial . This article contains lot of links to Svelte tutorials, instead of explaining Svelte principles.
Version 4.0.0 is out. The biggest change is change of UI framework. We have got rid of React and replaced it with excellent Svelte framework. This change leads to faster UI, with smaller memory consumption. Also it allows to implement Command palette, which would bery very defficult with React.
SQL Generator
SQL Generator allows to create SQL scripts from database. It has following options:
- Tables
- Create (with or without foreign keys)
- Drop (if exists)
- Create/Drop references foreign keys
- Insert (options: skip autoincrement, omit NULL values, disable constraints)
- Truncate
- Views, stored procedures, functions
- Create
- Drop You can combine options from all DB objects and generate customized SQL script containing database structure and data
Command palette
DbGate commands are now organized in Command Palette (press F1 to see it). It contains all currenctly available commands, with keyboard shortcut.
DbGate is now available as NPM package . You can install it directly as NPM package. This is way, how to run WEB version of DbGate, when you have no Docker available.
Other useful NPM package is dbgate-api , which can be used for running scripts exported from DbGate, eg. exporting table data to CSV or Excel.
SSH tunnel
Other big improvement of DbGate is SSH tunneling feature. It allows connecting to database eg. on production server, which is not exposed to public internet.
Version 3.9.5 is out. It contains many bug fixes and UI improvements. The biggest new feature is form view on table data.
Form view
Form view is handy, when viewing and editing table with many columns. You can switch between normal table and and form view any time. Filters and expanded columns are persistent among views. You can also expand foreign key references in form views.
Open files from disk
DbGate supports saving SQL files to internal storage, as this approach works in web application in the same way, as in electron app. From this version, in electron app, you can also load and save SQL files from disk. Also opening files by drag & drop is supported.