
Administer authentization, users, roles, connections


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Premium edition uses database storage for storing information about connections, users, roles and configuration.

Predefined roles:

  • superadmin
  • logged user
  • anonymous user

You could create connections and assign them to roles and users.

There is a hiearchic permission system, permissions for user are inherited from roles.

You could also configure several authentication methods:

  • None - web app is available without authentication
  • Local - web app is authorized against the users in user administration
  • Active Directory - web app is authorized against AD / LDAP, optionally logged user must be defined in user administration
  • OAuth 2.0 - web app is authorized with OAuth 2.0 protocol (eg. Google, Facebook, Keycloak), optionally logged user and (or) group must be defined in user (role) administration
  • Database login - user selects DB server at first and then authentication against DB server is performed (with user/password or Microsoft Entra Azure auth)
  • Microsoft Entra (former Azure Active Directory) - usable for Azure SQL databases