DbGate for Oracle Client

DbGate for Oracle is free and open source database manager for Linux, Windows and MacOS. Also runs in Web browser, when started from Docker container.


Oracle Database Manager Features

  • Connect to multiple databases, directly or through SSH tunnel
  • Browse or edit data in your tables or views, filter by column value
  • Master/detail views, quick view lookup tables
  • Oracle editor - edit SQL queries with auto-complete suggestions or use query designer
  • Form view for comfortable work with tables with many columns
  • Schema editor - edit tables, indexes, and other databas eobjects (views, procedures, functions)
  • Compare, synchronize and deploy DB models
  • Export and import from/to CSV, JSON or Excel. Use JavaScript scripting support
  • Archives - backup your data in JSON files on local filesystem (or on DbGate server, when using web application)
  • Light and dark theme
  • Charts, export chart to HTML page
  • Configurable keyboard shortcuts

DbGate for Oracle goals

  • Complete free and open source, no paid enterprise editions
  • Simple, but powerful. One toolbar, no milions of icons without description. Heavy use of context menu
  • Runs everywhere - Windows, Linux, Mac, web browser, maybe also mobile web in future
  • Stable and robust. Critical error in one database driver must not influence stability of the app
  • Prepared for big databases - never load full table or Oracle query result into memory, use streams everywhere
  • Scriptable, using dbgate nodejs packages